NEW BATHROOM PASSES & DEMERIT CARDS-do not lose it! It will be a detention if asked by a teacher for a demerit and you do not have your card.
Thursday during homeroom making poster for volleyball team, GOING TO STATE!!
Drug Free Awareness- IDEAS- lets vote and create ours now!!
TODAY-Drug Awareness Assembly-REPORT TO HR for intervention WE WILL WALK to GYM together.
Tuesday- $1 dollar dress day
NO HS students in MS building during the day time.
Next week attendance competition homeroom
HR that has the best attendance gets pizza party.
Fitness Gram today for 9th grade-100% all 9th grade
SHORT WEEK: This week, students have no school on Friday, 10/28, due to a professional development day for teachers. |
RED RIBBON WEEK: Today, Monday, October 24, there will be an assembly presentation for drug free week DURING INTERVENTION TIME. Make sure you are using your ASSEMBLY PROCEDURES, as we have a guest speaker from ICE coming to speak with us today. |
RED RIBBON WEEK: You can earn a $25 prize towards your field lesson (one prize per grade level--seniors will get a $25 gift certificate for your college bookstore)! We are having an drug free poster contest. Your poster will be judged on neatness, creativity, and a strong anti-drug message. The poster needs to be on regular sized poster board and is due Monday, October 24 to your homeroom teacher. |
RED RIBBON WEEK: Help your homeroom win a pizza party! Plan for a door decorating contest with a strong anti-drug message. Decorations can be put up starting TODAY, Monday, October 24 and the door needs to be complete by 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 25. There will be one prize awarded for high school and one prize awarded for middle school for the most creative door with the strongest drug free message! |
SENIORS: Your CAS journals (including at least 5 CAS activities with reflections and evidence) are due on WEDNESDAY, 10/26 to your homeroom teacher. Ms. Montalvo will go by each homeroom in the morning to collect them. |
SENIORS: On Thursday, 10/27 all seniors will receive their IB Exams registrations. You must verify that information is correct and sign it. *If you were cleared for CAS on 10/26, you will be registered as a DIPLOMA candidate. *If not, you will be registered as a CERTIFICATE student and once Ms. Montalvo clears you, your registration will change to DIPLOMA. The absolute FINAL date for turning in CAS journals and to be cleared for registration as a DIPLOMA candidate will be November 2nd. |
CLOTHES & TOYS COLLECTION: We will be collecting toys and used clothes until November 4th. Items collected will be donated to Mujeres Unidas. If you have any used clothes (any size) or toys (new or used) that you would like to donate, please bring it ASAP. There will be three boxes around campus: in the front office, Ms. Cavazos's office, and the 11/12th grade hallway. This is a CAS activity sponsored by seniors, as a requirement for graduation. Thanks for helping! Contact person: Ms. Montalvo/Khiabet Magallon. |
CANNED FOOD DRIVE: We will have a can drive until November 11th with the intention of making Thanksgiving baskets to be donated to the needy in our community. Please bring your canned foods to school ASAP. There will be three boxes around campus: in the front office, Ms. Cavazos's office, and the 11/12th grade hallway. This is a CAS activity sponsored by seniors, as a requirement for graduation. Thanks for helping! Contact person: Ms. Montalvo/Kiara Loredo. |
FIELD LESSON FUNDRAISING/PAYMENT: Field Lessons will be from May 21-25. This is a reminder that you should still be working on your catalog sales! You only have this week left to sell from the catalog--and you keep 40% of the profit! Field Lesson costs are $300 for the in-state trip and $800 for the out of state trip. Start making payments now! |
ASSEMBLY: There will be NO assembly this week because students do not have school on Friday. |
ATHLETICS: Volleyball Junior Varsity and Varsity are the district champions! Varsity Lady Titans were UNDEFEATED IN DISTRICT PLAY and played IDEA’s first ever REGIONAL GAME against IDEA San Juan last Wednesday. Lady Titans are playoff bound! |
AHLETICS--BASKETBALL: Boys and girls basketball practice has officially started. Even if you did not attend the basketball meeting, you still have a chance to make the team. All this week will be TRYOUTS. For more information, contact Coach Lisa. |
ACADEMIC COMPETITIONS: If you are interested in competing in the areas of Math, Science and/or Spelling, please see Mrs. Hinojosa and meet in her computer lab on Tuesday from 4:00-5:30 in Room 316. |
CAFETERIA FAST PASS: Make sure you come to school every day and don’t leave early or arrive tardy if you want to be eligible for a CAFETERIA FAST PASS. There will be one fast pass per grade level each week. With this pass, YOU AND TWO FRIENDS will be able to go to the front of the line in the cafeteria! |
H Costumes for Students If you choose to dress up, you must choose a literary or history character from (from a book) to dress up as and be able to explain to any staff member which literary character they are dress dressed up as. Some Some are possibilities: o Twilight o Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief o The Hunger Games Series o The Harry Potter Series o Fairy Tales o Alice in Wonderland o Dr. Seuss (That Cat in the Hat) o The Three Musketeers NO: None of the attire below will be allowed: o Dresses/Skirts shorter than one inch above the knee o Shirts that are torn, ripped o Tank tops/Midriff tops/Low-cut shirts o Masks · Heavy Makeup that conceals your face If |
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Must be given to Ms. Lopez by 8 a.m. every Wednesday for the following week. |
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