Monday, November 7, 2011


Austin ISD visits ICP Donna!
ICP Donna was selected to be the host school for about 40 guests from Austin ISD to further our discussions of partnership with the Austin Independent school district. Stakeholders will be on campus from 12 PM-3:30 PM.  Guests will range from school leaders, board members, parents, media and community stakeholders.   This is part of our discussions with AISD to see if there is an opportunity for IDEA to take over an underperforming school, therefore expanding into Austin in a few years.  4 groups will walk in and out of classrooms so please be prepared to do what you always do--your best! We know our guests will find the visit very inspirational!  Most of our intervention classes will be visited...
PROGRESS REPORTS:  This Friday, November 11, QUARTER 2 PROGRESS REPORT 1 GRADES ARE DUE.  Make sure to get with your teachers to check your grades and see if you have to make up or re-do any work.  
NURSE’S OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED DUE TO SCREENINGS:  From now until the end of November, the Health Clinic will be closed every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday morning from 8-11 as the nurses will be completing vision, hearing and spinal screenings.   Only major emergencies will be seen (such as broken bones, blood loss, major head injuries) during these times.  
A/B HONOR ROLL PANCAKE BREAKFAST:  The A/B Honor Roll Pancake breakfast will be held this Tuesday, November 8 at 6:45 a.m. in the cafeteria.  Please remember to invite your parents if you were on the A/B Honor Roll List.  Congratulations on your academic achievement!!!
TITAN PASSES:  If you are on the Quarter 1 A/B Honor Roll, have 2 or fewer detentions/West Wings, and have 2 or fewer absences, then you will qualify for a Titan Pass in Quarter 2.  You will receive your Titan Pass by next Monday, November 14!  
CLOTHES & TOYS COLLECTION:  We will be collecting toys and used clothes until this Friday, November 11th. Items collected will be donated to Mujeres Unidas. If you have any used clothes (any size) or toys (new or used) that you would like to donate, please bring it ASAP. There will be three boxes around campus: in the front office, Ms. Cavazos's office, and the 11/12th grade hallway.  This is a CAS activity sponsored by seniors, as a requirement for graduation. Thanks for helping! Contact person: Ms. Montalvo/Khiabet Magallon.
CANNED FOOD DRIVE:   We will have a can drive until this Friday, November 11th with the intention of making Thanksgiving baskets to be donated to the needy in our community. Please bring your canned foods to school ASAP. There will be three boxes around campus: in the front office, Ms. Cavazos's office, and the 11/12th grade hallway. This is a CAS activity sponsored by seniors, as a requirement for graduation. Thanks for helping! Contact person: Ms. Montalvo/Kiara Loredo.
FIELD LESSON FUNDRAISING/PAYMENT:  Field Lessons will be from May 21-25.  Pick up “Sponsor a Titan” letters from Mrs. Mendez.  Field Lesson costs are $300 for the in-state trip and $800 for the out of state trip.
CAFETERIA FAST PASS: Make sure you come to school every day and don’t leave early or arrive tardy if you want to be eligible for a CAFETERIA FAST PASS.  There will be one fast pass per grade level each week.  With this pass, YOU AND TWO FRIENDS will be able to go to the front of the line in the cafeteria!  
FRIDAY ASSEMBLY:  We will be having an assembly this Friday in the gym during intervention. If you are working on a project or presentation in one of your classes that you would like to share during the assembly, please let Ms. Lopez know by Wednesday morning. It is always exciting to see what students are learning in their classes!

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